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Discovering a New Identity

"If anyone is a believer in Christ, that person has a brand new identity."

Apostle Paul

If God wants to be in a personal relationship with you, do you want to resist?

Think for a moment about times when you were selected for something. Is there not happiness in being "wanted," in being chosen because you are valued as a person? Imagine yourself chosen by the Creator of the universe, not because of what you can do or have done, but simply because God has chosen you.

I find there is immense joy in being chosen or valued by God. It's a happiness rooted in being free from anything that separates and diminishes. It's delight in a relationship with God. It's satisfaction in pursuing a worthwhile life task. All this personal freedom is available to anyone through faith in Christ.

Apostle Paul claims that anyone who follows Christ has a new identity. Christ is at the center. You become a "new person."

NFL quarterback Peyton Manning, voted "Sportsman of the Year" by Sports Illustrated in 2013, described how he came to faith.

"My faith has been number one since I was thirteen years old and

heard from the pulpit on a Sunday morning in New Orleans a simple

question: "If you died today, are you one hundred percent sure you'd

go to heaven?"... It was a big church and I felt very small, but my

heart was pounding. The minister invited those who would like that

assurance to raise their hands, and I did.... And I committed my life

to Christ, and that faith has been most important to me ever since."

Peyton Manning

God Bless,

Paul W. Swets

P.S. FINDING HAPPINESS BLOGS are excerpts from Finding Happiness--Building Stable Relationships in Turbulent Times. For more information, click on this link: .

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